If we don’t see the hungry child, does it still die from starvation?

Our world is not fair. The word fair, just, equitable, honest; seems to no longer exist outside of our language and reach into society. Instead our world is full of cheating and striving to achieve unjust advantage.

We ask ‘what can we do’? The world is too big and has too many needs for us to fix. And, if that is what we believe, then it is true.

If we truly want to take action, open our minds and be empathetic, the opportunities to help those that truly need it are all around us. We can look in our neighborhood, city, county, state, country and around the world, there are needs to met everywhere.

Bill and Melinda Gates, with all the wealth realised they could not save the world. Yet they are making a difference, because they are doing what they can.

Mother Teresa dedicated her life to helping others, without regard to expanding her own needs. She saw the many pains that are in our world and took a hands on approach, feeding, clothing, bathing and comforting those that were dying for AIDS, malnutrition, malaria and many other illnesses and man-made afflictions.

When speaking to someone close to me I was talking about the fire that burns inside me for those in need, and how I try to do what I can and to bring awareness to others…and they asked why? I replied how can I not.

Here at home some 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly. 13 million children live in homes with limited access to food and can experience malnutrition. Malnutrition can stunt a child’s physical and mental disabilities. 2,000 to 3,000 elderly die each year of malnutrition. And we are a nation of prosperity. That means 1 in 10 Americans experience some type of hunger.

How many people do you know personally, socially, see on the street each day as you commute. How many workers at your favorite restaurant or coffee shop do you recognise? How many 1’s to you know?

Remove the blinders. See the world’s need. You may not have to give anything up to make a difference. Doing something, that is what is fair.