Just Breathe


In this post, I want to acknowledge the amazing uniqueness of a young actor, Jaden Smith.

This young man reminds me of all I believe America’s founders intended for our country. The intention to breathe a new life into a new world. The intention to break down the establishment that would oppress. The intention to give voice in unison to all those who wanted to speak and to speak for those who could not speak for themselves.

Americas basic principles are outlined in the early writings of these men that shaped the foundation of our country. And, don’t forget, these men were revolutionaries! These men sought change. These men fought for change. Some of their fellows died for change as Americans still fight and die for change today.

Change does not come in silence. Change does not come in retreat. Change comes when men speak up and step out, taking the great liberties that America is blessed with and freeing us all from those that would hold us back from creating a better more perfect union.

As we stand here together in 2017 America is continuing the revolution. It has never ended. Our Constitution is a living document intended to change and grow as our nation matures.

As we step out of a period of amazing gains for liberty and justice for all Americans we must live in freedom. We the people must resist those that want to close the doors that have been opened. We must resist those that want to take us back in to oppression.

America is strong like this young man. America is a beacon in each generation to the light of our Constitution. America is at liberty to be what it wants to be. America is free to breathe.

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